Second Chances and Eternal Impact: The Faithful Life of Chette Williams
One man’s redemption led to a movement that reshaped FCA’s impact at Auburn and on campuses nationwide.
‘This team is different’
When a coach accepted a challenge to read through the entire Bible in a single month, his championship team was inspired to make an impact greater than any they could make on the court.
Competing for Christ
Joshua Eargle's role as a college football coach is about much more than teaching Xs and Os.
Called to coach
Upward Sports gives coaches an opportunity to interact with kids and make a gospel impact in unique ways.
60 years and counting: Jesus' impact through FCA
It started with an invitation to speak and some newspaper and magazine clipping stuffed in a drawer. Today, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes is impacting the world for Jesus Christ through coaches and athletes.
Taming the bull
What happens when the meanest man in football changes his life in an instant?
FCA's National Collegiate Camp leaves lasting impression
Camp transforms athletes through competition, equips participants to return to campus and understand how the gospel impacts themselves, teammates.
Ministering to and through the coach
How first ministering to the coach will jump-start your ministry to athletes.
Higher score
Jack Taylor, who scored 138 points in a single college basketball game, wants to use his new popularity to bring glory to someone other than himself.
From big leagues to bigger things
Former Major League ballplayer Josh Anderson drew strength from the cross during his playing days. He’s since moved from the playing field to the mission field.
Berry College names Tony Kunczewski first football coach
Berry College made a historic announcement, naming Tony Kunczewski as its first head football coach.
Dungy's message: Adversity teaches you that you can't give up
Super Bowl-winning coach Tony Dungy shares stories from NFL career, teases future career move.